PinnedDr. Tarannum ShaikhinWrite A CatalystEditor’s Notes For WritersClarifying misconceptions to build lasting connections1d ago81d ago8
PinnedDr. Tarannum ShaikhinBeingWe have a new name :)…because change is the only constantOct 811Oct 811
PinnedDr. Tarannum ShaikhinBeingThe Perception of PainHow we are conditioned to bear it without expressingSep 202Sep 202
PinnedDr. Tarannum ShaikhinH.E.A.L. M.E.H.E.A.L. M.E. Submission GuidelinesA one-stop publication to help you lead a full life.Aug 3020Aug 3020
PinnedDr. Tarannum ShaikhinBeingI Am Not StrongThis Revelation Struck Me After Four Prolonged Decades.Jul 2616Jul 2616
Dr. Tarannum ShaikhinBeingCelebrating Small WinsThe first half is difficult, and the other half followsOct 241Oct 241
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